Considering Becoming a Donor? Find Out Why These Three Donors Support TCC.

At the Compass Center, we are transparent about our reliance on donations and how we spend donated money. In fact, we’ve reached the GuideStar Exchange Platinum Participation Level because of how committed we are to financial transparency!
Because all of our services are provided at no cost to victims of sexual and domestic violence, your donations make a huge impact in the Sioux Empire. We’re so thankful for each and every donor, and we want to introduce a few of them to you.
Meet Jennifer, Greg, and Ryan! Learn more about their experiences with the Compass Center and why they choose to support our organization.
Meet Ryan: Drawn to Helping Vulnerable Children
Perhaps you’ve seen Ryan around South Dakota before. As a full-time musician with the Dueling Duo for the past 12 years, he does fundraisers and corporate events all over the Midwest.
Ryan learned about The Compass Center through friendships with past staff members.
“I learned about the work the Compass Center does and I thought that it was, unfortunately, a necessary outlet for folks,” Ryan said. “It’s one of those things you wish you didn’t have to support, but you’re glad to help.”
Ryan says that it’s been an honor to watch the organization get traction over the years as he’s been a supporter and donor.
“I have seen their facility grow and be able to offer more services to folks,” he said. “It’s nice to see them continue to be able to offer more services. Again, it’s sad they have to do it, but it’s good that they are able to.”
Ryan says he understands that people have a lot of different directions where they can put their time, energy, and money. He says he is drawn to supporting the Compass Center because he feels compelled to help local children in vulnerable situations.
“It’s good that we need to do that and be reminded that there are others out there who need our help,” Ryan said. “But kids don’t ask to be in these situations. They’ve done nothing.”
When Ryan isn’t playing music or supporting our Sioux Falls non-profit, he’s enjoying life with his wife, four children, and granddaughter.
Thank you for your support, Ryan!
Meet Greg: Working to Create a Better, Safer Sioux Falls
Greg is likely a familiar face to you as he’s a very active member of the Sioux Falls community. In fact, he has served on the Sioux Falls City Council for five years! When he’s not helping to lead our thriving city, he’s a full-time software engineer, husband, and father.
It was when he first joined the city council that Greg learned about the Compass Center and the work we do in Sioux Falls.
“We were looking at the city budget, because the Compass Center is one of the non-profits that we fund, so I wanted to learn more about them and why we fund them. There are a lot of charitable organizations in Sioux Falls, and I wanted to know what set this one apart.”
After taking a tour and learning more about the Compass Center programs, Greg says he not only voted for the city to continue funding us, but also began to donate personally.
“Unfortunately,” explained Greg, “sexual assault and domestic violence continues to be a problem as our city grows. The Compass Center does a wonderful job with the funding they have. They are very efficient with their money, and it’s a critical need for some of our most at-risk citizens.”
Greg adds that in his role on city council, he sees direct ways the Compass Center advocates for victims of physical and sexual abuse, and explains how the Sioux Falls Police Department is also a major advocate of the organization.
“Whenever we ask the police department, they are very much in favor of continuing to fund the Compass Center with our city dollars,” Greg said. “The Compass Center staff are there in the middle of the night when a victim is in the Emergency Room. They walk with victims throughout the entire process — including advocating during the court process, which can be lengthy and very scary.”
Greg says that the Compass Center helps the local police department do their job better, making it easier for them to prosecute offenders and bring people to justice.
“It’s a very critical need in Sioux Falls, and the Compass Center does a really great job.”
Thank you, Greg, for the work you do for our city and the Compass Center.
Meet Jennifer: Inspired by Advocates of Victims and Survivors
When Jennifer first learned about the Compass Center 10 years ago after moving to the Midwest from the east coast, she says that she was “shocked” to learn that we are a non-profit.
“On this east coast, something like this would be funded by a municipality, so I knew that [the Compass Center] must have to fight for funds each year,” she explained. “Immediately, I asked how I could help.”
Thus began Jennifer’s journey with the Compass Center. She first became a rape crisis advocate, and a year and a half into that, she joined the Compass Center board.
“I spent eight years on the board,” Jennifer said. “In my time on the board, I worked for Morgan Stanley in an office of twelve. During that time, at least three of those twelve reached out to me with instances of sexual or domestic abuse in their own family. That proved to me how many people are affected by violence, and most don’t realize the scale of instances that happen in Sioux Falls.”
After her stint on the board, Jennifer continues her commitment to the Compass Center by being a regular donor and volunteer. In fact, she received our Volunteer of the Year award in 2017!
“That was very humbling,” Jennifer said of the award. “It’s been important for me to get the [Compass Center] name out there because many people don’t know there is a place for them to go and get help. To be able to refer people to the Compass Center has been a blessing.”
She adds that through the years, she’s also been inspired by the work of our staff.
“I’m amazed by them. They see trauma day after day and then come back in day after day.”
Finally, Jennifer says that she wants others to know about all the services that the Compass Center provides — at no cost — and how for so many people, our services are a “lifeline.” That’s why she would encourage others to consider becoming a donor.
“They work with so many people in the community besides just the people who walk through their doors,” she explained. “From the Children’s Home Society, the National Guard, and the prison system, they are so far reaching and people aren’t always aware of that.”
Jennifer, thank you for your ongoing commitment against domestic and sexual abuse in South Dakota!
You Can Become a Donor, Too
Now that you’ve read about three Compass Center donors and learned why they choose to support our work against sexual and domestic violence in South Dakota, we hope you’re inspired. Consider becoming a donor yourself. Our services are provided at no cost to victims, and your support goes a long way.